Frankenmuth Farming Map v 1.2

Frankenmuth Farming Map v 1.2Frankenmuth Farming Map v 1.2Frankenmuth Farming Map v 1.2

– 3 farms pre-built on the map
– You must own the land before you can use or sell the buildings
– The terrain on the map is mostly flat with some rolling hills, valleys, and ditches
– Custom sugar beet piler factory for added realism with sugar beet harvesting
– When owned by player, the piler will give you tare dirt
– Take dirt back to field and dump
– Dirt piles can be leveled and will disappear when using any field working implements
– If not owned by player it will be a sell point without tare dirt
– Number of purchasable fields: 42
– Average acre size: 16.48
– Number of purchasable forestry land: 7
– Water retrieval sources: Build your own
– Alfalfa crop added and implemented with the animals

Version 1.2:
* Fixed alfalfa hay bales to be able to use in TMR
* Fixed water in ditches not showing
* Added drain tile to fields. They will have water flow in Spring and Autumn seasons
* Added ability to have lime in auger wagons
* Fixed boat near pond disappearing with fishing stuff still visible
* Increased sugar beet sell price slightly
* Using sugarbeet piler without tare dirt function will give you about 50% less income on sugar beets
* Fixed ability to feed silage to cows
* Can now sell the beet piler and it will stay on the map to be purchased again. Removed from build menu
* Can sell Tare dirt for very small profit to the Farmers Market


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